Poznámka: Po zveřejnění musíte vyprázdnit cache vašeho prohlížeče, jinak změny neuvidíte.
- Firefox / Safari: Při kliknutí na Aktualizovat držte Shift nebo stiskněte Ctrl-F5 nebo Ctrl-R (na Macu ⌘-R)
- Google Chrome: Stiskněte Ctrl-Shift-R (na Macu ⌘-Shift-R)
- Edge: Při kliknutí na Aktualizovat držte Ctrl nebo stiskněte Ctrl-F5.
// Přeneseno z
* MarkerTooltip.js v1.5, 2024-10-08
* Displays an extended marker tooltip on mouse over on desktops
* or on click on smartphones
* Displays tooltip for abbreviations on smartphones
* Original author: Roland Unger
* Support of both desktop and mobile views
* Documentation:
* License: GPL-2.0+, CC-by-sa 3.0
/* eslint-disable mediawiki/class-doc */
( function ( $ ) {
'use strict';
var mkTooltip = function() {
const strings = {
de: {
hint: 'Click auf den Marker öffnet die Karte direkt.',
hint2: 'Benutzen Sie zur Anzeige die Kartendienste.',
ch1903: 'CH1903',
ch1903Title: 'Es folgt die Koordinate in der Form der Schweizer Landeskoordinaten.',
dec: 'Dezimal',
decTitle: 'Es folgt die Koordinate in Dezimalform. Über den nebenstehenden Geo-URI-Link kann eine Karten-Anwendung gestartet werden.',
geoUriTitle: 'Über diesen Link startet der Browser eine Karten-Anwendung, z. B. Google Maps. Auf vielen Smartphones bereits eingerichtet.',
hex: 'GMS',
hexTitle: 'Es folgt die Koordinate in der Form Grad-Minuten-Sekunden.',
plus: 'Plus Code',
plusTitle: 'Es folgt die Koordinate als Plus Code.',
anchor: 'Anker',
anchorTitle: 'Zeigt den Namen des Vorlagen-Ankers an.',
anchorText: 'Der Name des Vorlagen-Ankers lautet:\n\n',
clipboard: 'Ablage',
clipboardTitle:'Kopiert die nebenstehende Angabe in die Zwischenablage. Insbesondere ältere Browser unterstützten diese Funktion leider nicht.',
mapSources: 'Kartendienste',
mapSourcesTitle: 'Es folgen verschiedene Listen mit Kartenquellen und -diensten',
tools: 'Werkzeuge',
toolsTitle: 'Es folgen verschiedene Vorlagen-Werkzeuge',
voy: 'Wikivoyage',
voyTitle: 'Öffnet eine Wikivoyage-eigene Internetseite, die zahlreiche Kartenquellen und -dienste auflistet.',
voyURL: '/w/index.php?title=Special%3AMapsources',
wmflabs: 'WMF-Labs',
wmflabsTitle: 'Öffnet eine Internetseite von WMF Labs, die zahlreiche Kartenquellen und -dienste auflistet.',
wmflabsURL: '',
EW: 'OW', // international: 'EW'
NS: 'NS'
en: {
hint: 'Clicking on the marker directly opens the map.',
hint2: 'Use the map tools for display.',
ch1903: 'CH1903',
ch1903Title: 'Coordinates are shown in the form of the Swiss national coordinates.',
dec: 'Decimal',
decTitle: 'Coordinates are shown as decimal values. A map application can be started via the adjacent Geo-URI link.',
geoUriTitle: 'The browser starts a map application using this link, e. g. Google Maps. Already set up on many smartphones.',
hex: 'DMS',
hexTitle: 'Coordinates are shown as degree-minutes-seconds.',
plus: 'Plus Code',
plusTitle: 'Coordinates are shown as Plus Code.',
anchor: 'Anchor',
anchorTitle: 'Shows the name of the template anchor.',
anchorText: 'The name of the template anchor is:\n\n',
clipboard: 'Clipboard',
clipboardTitle:'Copies the adjacent information to the clipboard. Unfortunately, older browsers do not support this feature.',
mapSources: 'Map tools',
mapSourcesTitle: 'The following lists with map sources and services are available',
tools: 'Tools',
toolsTitle: 'The following tools are available',
voy: 'Wikivoyage',
voyTitle: 'Opens Wikivoyage’s own webpage which lists numerous map sources and services.',
voyURL: '/w/index.php?title=Special%3AMapsources',
wmflabs: 'WMF Labs',
wmflabsTitle: 'Opens a WMF Labs webpage which lists numerous map sources and services.',
wmflabsURL: '',
EW: 'EW',
NS: 'NS'
es: {
hint: 'Haga clic aquí para abrir el mapa.',
hint2: 'Utilice los servicios de mapas para visualizar.',
ch1903: 'CH1903',
ch1903Title: 'A esto le sigue la coordenada en forma de coordenadas nacionales suizas.',
dec: 'Decimal',
decTitle: 'La coordenada sigue en forma decimal. Se puede iniciar una aplicación de mapas a través del enlace Geo-URI adyacente.',
geoUriTitle: 'El navegador inicia una aplicación de mapas a través de este enlace, p. ej. mapas de Google. Ya está configurado en muchos teléfonos inteligentes Android.',
hex: 'GMS',
hexTitle: 'La coordenada sigue en forma de grados-minutos-segundos.',
plus: 'Plus Code',
plusTitle: 'La coordenada sigue como un código de ubicación abierto.',
anchor: 'Ancla',
anchorTitle: 'Muestra el nombre del ancla de la plantilla.',
anchorText: 'El nombre del ancla de la plantilla es:\n\n',
clipboard: 'Portapapeles',
clipboardTitle:'Copia la información adyacente al portapapeles. Lamentablemente, los navegadores más antiguos no admiten esta función.',
mapSources: 'Instrumentos de mapas',
mapSourcesTitle: 'Las siguientes listas con fuentes y instrumentos de mapas están disponibles.',
tools: 'Instrumentos',
toolsTitle: 'Los siguientes instrumentos están disponibles.',
voy: 'Wikiviajes',
voyTitle: 'Abre un sitio web de Wikiviajes que enumera numerosas fuentes y instrumentos de mapas.',
voyURL: '/w/index.php?title=Special%3AMapsources',
wmflabs: 'WMF Labs',
wmflabsTitle: 'Abre un sitio web de WMF Labs que enumera numerosas fuentes y instrumentos de mapas.',
wmflabsURL: '',
EW: 'EO', // international: 'EW'
NS: 'NS'
cs: {
hint: 'Kliknutím přímo na bod se otevře mapa.',
hint2: 'K zobrazení použijte mapové služby.',
ch1903: 'CH1903',
ch1903Title: 'Souřadnice jsou zobrazeny ve formátu švýcarských národních souřadnic.',
dec: 'Desetinný',
decTitle: 'Souřadnice jsou zobrazeny jako desetinné hodnoty. Mapová aplikace se spustí přes sousední Geo-URI odkaz.',
geoUriTitle: 'Prohlížeč spustí mapovou aplikaci pomocí tohoto odkazu, např. Google Maps. Na mnoha chytrých telefonech už je nastaveno.',
hex: 'DMS',
hexTitle: 'Souřadnice jsou zobrazeny jako stupně, minuty a sekundy.',
plus: 'Plus Code',
plusTitle: 'Souřadnice jsou zobrazeny jako Plus Code.',
anchor: 'Kotva',
anchorTitle: 'Zobrazuje název kotvy šablony.',
anchorText: 'Název kotvy šablony je:\n\n',
clipboard: 'Zkopírovat',
clipboardTitle:'Zkopíruje sousední údaj do schránky. Bohužel tuto možnost nepodporují starší prohlížeče.',
mapSources: 'Mapové nástroje',
mapSourcesTitle: 'K dispozici jsou následující seznamy s mapovými zdroji a službami',
tools: 'Nástroje',
toolsTitle: 'K dispozici jsou následující nástroje',
voy: 'Wikicesty',
voyTitle: 'Otevře webovou stránku Wikicest s mnoha mapovými zdroji a službami.',
voyURL: '/w/index.php?title=Special%3AMapsources',
wmflabs: 'WMF Labs',
wmflabsTitle: 'Otevře webovou stránku WMF Labs s mnoha mapovými zdroji a službami.',
wmflabsURL: '',
EW: 'EW',
NS: 'NS'
const fallbackLang = 'en',
maxZoomLevel = 19; // see also getScaleFromZoom
const options = {
plusCode: false,
ch1903: true
const classes = {
copyMarker: 'voy-copy-marker',
idRegex: /vCard_.+/, // see [[Module:Marker_utilities/i18n]], texts.anchor
listingTooltip: 'listing-tooltip',
listingTooltipMobile: 'listing-tooltip-mobile',
withoutMarker: 'voy-without-marker'
const selectors = {
kartographerLink: '.mw-kartographer-maplink',
latitude: '.p-latitude',
longitude: '.p-longitude',
lCoordinates: '.listing-coordinates',
lEditButton: '.listing-edit-button button',
lInfoButton: '.listing-info-button button',
lMap: '.listing-map, .listing-without-marker',
lName: '.listing-name',
vcard: '.vcard'
const data = {
color: 'data-color',
id: 'data-id',
lat: 'data-lat',
lon: 'data-lon',
mAttribute: 'data-copy-marker-attribute',
mContent: 'data-copy-marker-content',
name: 'data-name',
region: 'data-region',
wikilang: 'data-wikilang',
zoom: 'data-zoom'
// internal use
const pageLang = mw.config.get( 'wgPageContentLanguage' ),
userLang = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
// isMobile = window.matchMedia( '(any-pointer: coarse)' ).matches && // has touch screen or similar
// !window.matchMedia( '(any-pointer: fine)' ).matches, // has mouse
isMobile = ( /android|webos|iphone|ipad|ipod|blackberry|iemobile|opera mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() ) ),
timeouts = [];
var messages = {};
function addMessages( str, chain ) {
for ( var i = chain.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( str.hasOwnProperty( chain[ i ] ) ) {
$.extend( messages, strings[ chain[ i ] ] );
function setupMessages() {
const chain = ( userLang == pageLang ) ? [ pageLang, fallbackLang ] :
[ userLang, pageLang, fallbackLang ];
addMessages( strings, chain );
// Only n digits
function round( coord, n ) {
const m = Math.pow( 10, n );
return Math.round( coord * m ) / m;
// Converting decimal to DMS coordinates
function toDMS( dec, letters ) {
const letter = letters.charAt( ( dec >= 0 ) ? 0 : 1 );
const angle = Math.abs( dec );
var deg = Math.floor( angle );
var min = ( angle - deg ) * 60;
var sec = Math.round( ( min - Math.floor( min ) ) * 60 );
min = Math.floor( min );
if ( sec >= 60 ) {
sec -= 60;
min += 1;
if ( min >= 60 ) {
min -= 60;
deg += 1;
return deg + '° ' + min + '′ ' + sec + '″ ' + letter;
// Converting decimal to CH1903 coordinates
// see:
function toCH1903( lat, lon ) {
const ch1903 = {
easting: 0,
northing: 0,
error: true
if ( lat < 45.5 || lat > 48 || lon < 5.0 || lon > 11 ) {
return ch1903;
const phi = ( lat * 3600 - 169028.66 ) / 10000;
const phi2 = phi * phi;
const lambda = ( lon * 3600 - 26782.5 ) / 10000;
const lambda2 = lambda * lambda;
ch1903.northing = Math.round( 200147.07 + 308807.95 * phi + 3745.25 * lambda2 +
76.63 * phi2 - 194.56 * lambda2 * phi + 119.79 * phi2 * phi );
ch1903.easting = Math.round( 600072.37 + 211455.93 * lambda - 10938.51 * lambda * phi -
0.36 * lambda * phi2 - 44.54 * lambda2 * lambda );
ch1903.error = false;
return ch1903;
// Converting decimal to Open Location Code (Plus Code)
// see:
function toPlusCode( lat, lon ) {
const codeChars = '23456789CFGHJMPQRVWX';
const resolutions = [ 20.0, 1.0, 0.05, 0.0025, 0.000125 ];
var code = '';
var modLat = lat;
modLat = Math.max( -90, modLat );
modLat = Math.min( modLat, 90 - 0.000025 );
// 0.000025 = resolutions[ 4 ] / 5 [rows]
modLat += 90; // starting from 0
var modLon = lon;
while ( modLon < -180 ) {
modLon += 360;
while ( modLon >= 180 ) {
modLon -= 360;
modLon += 180; // starting from 0
// first 10 + 1 digits
for ( var i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
const res = resolutions[ i ];
var digit = Math.floor( modLat / res );
modLat -= digit * res;
code += codeChars.charAt( digit );
digit = Math.floor( modLon / res );
modLon -= digit * res;
code += codeChars.charAt( digit );
if ( i === 3 ) {
code += '+';
// last digit
const row = Math.floor( 5 * modLat / resolutions[ 4 ] );
const col = Math.floor( 4 * modLon / resolutions[ 4 ] );
code += codeChars.charAt( 4 * row + col );
return code;
// zoom level 19 -> 1:1000, 0 -> 500000000
function getScaleFromZoom( zoom ) {
const scales = [ 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 15000, 35000, 70000, 150000, 250000,
500000, 1000000, 2000000, 4000000, 10000000, 15000000, 35000000, 70000000,
150000000, 250000000, 500000000 ];
if ( zoom >= maxZoomLevel ) {
return scales[ 0 ];
} else if ( zoom <= 0 ) {
return scales[ scales.length - 1 ];
return scales[ maxZoomLevel - Math.round( zoom ) ];
function copyToClipboard( selector, container ) {
const clipboard = $( '<textarea id="mkClipboard"></textarea>' )
.css( { 'width': 1, 'border': 'none', 'opacity': 0 } );
$( 'body' ).append( clipboard );
const text = ( selector !== '.mkClip5' ) ? $( selector, container ).text()
: $( '#anchorId', container ).text();
clipboard.val( text ).select();
document.execCommand( 'copy' );
function clipboardLink( aClass ) {
return aClass ? mw.format( '[ <a href="javascript:" class="$1" title="$2">$3</a> ]',
aClass, messages.clipboardTitle, messages.clipboard ) : '';
function makeTableRow( label, title, clipClass, buttonClass, text ) {
return mw.format( '<tr><td><span title="$1">$2:</span> <span class="$3">$4</span></td><td>$5</td></tr>',
title, label, clipClass, text, clipboardLink( buttonClass ) );
function makeContent( $origin ) {
var link = $( selectors.kartographerLink, $origin ).first();
var lat, lon, withMarker, zoom;
if ( link.length ) {
lat = round( link.attr( ), 6 );
lon = round( link.attr( data.lon ), 6 );
zoom = link.attr( data.zoom );
withMarker = true;
} else {
link = $origin.closest( selectors.vcard ).find( selectors.lCoordinates );
lat = round( $( selectors.latitude, link ).text(), 6 );
lon = round( $( selectors.longitude, link ).text(), 6 );
zoom = 16;
withMarker = false;
const latStr = toDMS( lat, messages.NS );
const lonStr = toDMS( lon, messages.EW );
const wrapper = $origin.closest( selectors.vcard );
const color = wrapper.attr( data.color );
const lang = wrapper.attr( data.wikilang );
var region = wrapper.attr( data.region );
if ( !region ) {
region = '';
var name = wrapper.attr( );
if ( !name ) {
name = $( selectors.lName, wrapper ).first();
var wikiLink = $( 'a', name ).first();
name = ( wikiLink.length ) ? wikiLink.text() : name = name.text();
name = encodeURI( name.replace( /\s/g, '+' ) ).replace( /&/g, '%26' );
var params = '¶ms=';
params += Math.abs( lat ) + ( ( lat < 0 ) ? '_S_' : '_N_' );
params += Math.abs( lon ) + ( ( lon < 0 ) ? '_W' : '_E' );
params += '_scale%3A' + getScaleFromZoom( zoom ) +
if ( region !== '' ) {
params += '_region%3A' + region;
const ch1903 = toCH1903( lat, lon );
const plusCode = toPlusCode( lat, lon );
var table = '<table>' +
makeTableRow( messages.hex, messages.hexTitle, 'mkClip1', 'mkButton1',
latStr + ' ' + lonStr ) +
makeTableRow( messages.dec, messages.decTitle, 'mkClip2', 'mkButton2',
'<a href="geo:' + lat + ',' + lon + '" title="' +
messages.geoUriTitle + '">' + lat + ', ' + lon + '</a>' );
if ( options.plusCode ) {
table += makeTableRow(, messages.plusTitle, 'mkClip3', 'mkButton3',
'<span class="voy-mkTooltipPlusCode">' + plusCode.substr( 0, 4 ) + '</span>' +
plusCode.substr( 4 ) );
if ( options.ch1903 && !ch1903.error ) {
table += makeTableRow( messages.ch1903, messages.ch1903Title,
'mkClip4', 'mkButton4', '<span title="CH1903 easting">' +
ch1903.easting + '</span> / <span title="CH1903 northing">' +
ch1903.northing + '</span>' );
const html = [],
infobutton = $( selectors.lInfoButton, wrapper ).prop( 'outerHTML' ) || '';
if ( infobutton !== '' ) {
html.push( `<span id="infobutton">${infobutton}</span>` );
const editbutton = $( selectors.lEditButton, wrapper ).prop( 'outerHTML' ) || '';
if ( editbutton !== '' ) {
html.push( `<span id="editbutton">${editbutton}</span>` );
let id = wrapper.attr( 'id' );
id = id && id.match( classes.idRegex );
if ( id ) {
var anchor = `<a href="#" id="anchorIdLink" title="${messages.anchorTitle}">${messages.anchor}</a>` +
`<span id="anchorId" style="display: none">${id}</span>`;
html.push( anchor );
if ( html.length ) {
table += makeTableRow(, messages.toolsTitle, 'mkClip5',
id ? 'mkButton5' : null, html.join( ' | ' ) );
table += '</table>';
var mapSources = mw.format( '<div title="$1">$2: ', messages.mapSourcesTitle, messages.mapSources ) +
mw.format( '<a href="$1&locname=$2" title="$3" target="_blank" rel="noopener">$4</a> | ',
messages.voyURL + params, name, messages.voyTitle, messages.voy ) +
mw.format( '<a href="$1pagename=$2&language=$3" title="$4" target="_blank" rel="noopener">$5</a>',
messages.wmflabsURL, name, lang + params, messages.wmflabsTitle, messages.wmflabs ) +
return $( '<div class="voy-mkTooltipInner"></div>' )
.css( 'border-left-color', color )
.append( $( '<div class="voy-mkTooltipHint">' + (withMarker ? messages.hint : messages.hint2 ) + '</div>' )
.css( { 'margin-bottom': '0.5em' } ) )
.append( $( table ) )
.append( $( mapSources ) )
.append( $( '<div class="voy-mkTooltipTail"></div>' ) );
// setting tooltip position
function setTooltipPosition( e, tooltip, $this ) {
const tail = $( '.voy-mkTooltipTail', tooltip );
const winWidth = $( window ).width();
var left, offset, right, width;
if ( e.clientY < $( window ).height() / 2 ) {
tooltip.css( 'top', $this.innerHeight() - 4 )
} else {
tooltip.css( 'bottom', $this.innerHeight() - 4 )
if ( e.clientX < winWidth / 2 ) {
tooltip.css( 'left', $this.innerWidth() / 2 - 16 )
if ( isMobile ) {
offset = tooltip.offset();
right = offset.left + tooltip.outerWidth();
if ( right > winWidth - 1 ) {
left = offset.left - ( right - winWidth ) - 2;
if ( left < 2 ) {
left = 2;
width = tooltip.innerWidth();
tooltip.offset( { top:, left: left } );
tooltip.innerWidth( width );
width = offset.left - left;
offset = tail.offset();
offset.left += width;
tail.offset( offset );
else {
tooltip.css( 'right', $this.innerWidth() / 2 - 13 )
if ( isMobile ) {
offset = tooltip.offset();
left = offset.left;
if ( left < 2 ) {
width = tooltip.innerWidth();
tooltip.offset( { top:, left: 2 } );
tooltip.innerWidth( width );
offset = tail.offset();
offset.left += left;
tail.offset( offset );
function showMarkerTooltip( e ) {
const $this = $( ).closest( '.' + classes.listingTooltip ),
id = $this.attr( ),
isCopyMarker = $this.hasClass( classes.copyMarker ),
wrapper = $this.closest( selectors.vcard ),
withoutMarker = wrapper.hasClass( classes.withoutMarker ),
triggerWrapper = withoutMarker || !isCopyMarker;
var $origin = $this;
if ( isCopyMarker ) {
// getting from original marker
const attr = $this.attr( data.mAttribute );
const content = $this.attr( data.mContent );
$origin = $( '*[' + attr + '="' + content + '"]' ).first();
const tooltip = $( '<div class="voy-mkTooltip" role="tooltip"/>' )
.append( makeContent( $origin ) );
if ( isMobile ) {
tooltip.addClass( 'voy-mkTooltipMobile' );
} else {
tooltip.hide(); // later fade-in;
$this.append( tooltip );
setTooltipPosition( e, tooltip, $this );
$( '.mkButton1', tooltip )
.click( function() { copyToClipboard( '.mkClip1', tooltip ); } );
$( '.mkButton2', tooltip )
.click( function() { copyToClipboard( '.mkClip2', tooltip ); } );
$( '.mkButton3', tooltip )
.click( function() { copyToClipboard( '.mkClip3', tooltip ); } );
$( '.mkButton4', tooltip )
.click( function() { copyToClipboard( '.mkClip4', tooltip ); } );
$( '.mkButton5', tooltip )
.click( function() { copyToClipboard( '.mkClip5', tooltip ); } );
$( '#anchorIdLink', tooltip )
.click( function() {
var alertText = messages.anchorText + $( '#anchorId', tooltip ).text();
alert( alertText );
} );
$( '#infobutton', tooltip )
.click( function() {
$( selectors.lInfoButton, triggerWrapper ? wrapper : $origin ).trigger( 'click' );
} );
$( '#editbutton', tooltip )
.click( function() {
$( selectors.lEditButton, triggerWrapper ? wrapper : $origin ).trigger( 'click' );
} );
if ( isMobile ) {
// removing tooltip after 10 sec in mobile mode
timeouts[ id ] =
setTimeout( function() { removeTooltip( $this ); }, 10000 );
$( 'body' ).click( handleOutsideClick );
} else {
// fading-in hidden tooltip in desktop mode
setTimeout( function() { tooltip.fadeIn( 500 ); }, 300 );
return tooltip;
// Click event handler if clicked outside any tooltip
function handleOutsideClick( event ) {
if ( !$( ).closest( '.voy-mkTooltip' ).length &&
$( '.voy-mkTooltip' ).is( ':visible' ) ) {
function removeTooltip( marker ) {
const id = marker.attr( );
if ( id ) {
clearTimeout( timeouts[ id ] );
$( '.voy-mkTooltip', marker ).remove();
$( '.voy-mkTooltipButton', marker ).text( '▼' );
function removeAllTooltips() {
if ( isMobile ) {
$( 'body' ).off( 'click', handleOutsideClick );
var markers = $( '.' + classes.listingTooltip ).add( $( 'abbr' ) );
markers.each( function() {
removeTooltip( $( this ) );
function showMobileMarker( e ) {
const $this = $( ).closest( '.voy-mkTooltipButton' );
const text = $this.text();
if ( text === '▼' ) {
$this.text( '▲' );
showMarkerTooltip( e );
function initMarkerTooltip() {
$( selectors.lMap ).addClass( classes.listingTooltip );
if ( isMobile ) {
$( selectors.lMap ).addClass( classes.listingTooltipMobile );
const markers = $( '.' + classes.listingTooltip )
.attr( 'title', '' );
var id = 0;
// setting id for timeout handler
markers.each( function() {
$( this ).attr(, 'tt' + id );
id += 1;
} );
if ( isMobile ) {
const mobileMarker = $( '<span class="voy-mkTooltipButton">▼</span>' )
.click( function( e ) {
showMobileMarker( e );
markers.append( mobileMarker );
} else {
markers.mouseenter( function( e ) {
showMarkerTooltip( e );
.mouseleave( function( e ) {
$( '.voy-mkTooltip' ).remove();
function initAbbrTooltip() {
const abbr = $( 'abbr' )
.css( { 'position': 'relative', 'cursor': 'pointer' } );
var id = 0;
// setting id for timeout handler
abbr.each( function() {
$( this ).attr(, 'at' + id );
id += 1;
} ); function( e ) {
const $this = $( ).closest( 'abbr' );
const id = $this.attr( );
var tooltip = $( '.voy-mkTooltip', $this );
if ( tooltip.length === 0 ) {
const title = $this.attr( 'title' );
if ( title ) {
const div = $( '<div class="voy-mkTooltipInner voy-mkTooltipMaxWidth">' +
title + '</div>' )
.append( $( '<div class="voy-mkTooltipTail"></div>' ) );
tooltip = $( '<div class="voy-mkTooltip voy-mkTooltipMobile" role="tooltip"></div>' )
.append( div );
$this.append( tooltip );
setTooltipPosition( e, tooltip, $this );
timeouts[ id ] =
setTimeout( function() { removeTooltip( $this ); }, 10000 );
$( 'body' ).click( handleOutsideClick );
} );
function init() {
if ( isMobile ) {
return { init: init };
} ();
$( mkTooltip.init );
} ( jQuery ) );