Dokumentaci tohoto modulu lze vytvořit na stránce Modul:Cedule/Dokumentace
-- @brief
-- Backend for {{Cedule}}.
-- @author
-- [[meta:User:Danny B.]]
local _module = {}
function _module.print( frame )
local output = ""
local parentFrame = frame:getParent()
local templateArgs = {}
for param, value in pairs( parentFrame.args ) do
templateArgs[param] = mw.text.trim( value ) ~= "" and value or nil
output = output .. "<div class=\"label label-pageinfo"
output = templateArgs["typ"] and output .. " label-pageinfo-type-" .. templateArgs["typ"] or output
output = templateArgs["id"] and output .. " label-id-" .. templateArgs["id"] or output
output = output .. " plainlinks\">\n"
output = output .. "<div class=\"label_message\">\n"
output = templateArgs["obrázek"] and output .. "<div class=\"label_image\">[[Soubor:" .. templateArgs["obrázek"] .. "|48x48px|alt=|link=]]</div>\n" or output
if templateArgs["nadpis"] then
output = output .. "<div class=\"label_message_headline"
output = templateArgs["obrázek"] and output or output .. " label_message_headline-noimage"
output = output .. "\">" .. templateArgs["nadpis"] .. "</div>\n"
output = output .. "<div class=\"label_message_text"
output = templateArgs["obrázek"] and output or output .. " label_message_text-noimage"
output = output .. "\">\n"
output = output .. ( templateArgs["text"] or "" ) .. "\n"
output = output .. "</div>\n"
output = output .. "</div>\n"
if templateArgs["poznámka"] then
output = output .. "<hr />\n"
output = output .. "<div class=\"label_note\">\n"
output = output .. "<div class=\"label_image\">[[Soubor:Preferences-system.svg|16x16px|alt=|link=]]</div>\n"
output = output .. "<div class=\"label_note_text\">\n"
output = output .. templateArgs["poznámka"]
output = output .. "</div>"
output = output .. "</div>"
output = output .. "</div>"
output = frame:preprocess( output )
return output
return _module