Modul:Link utilities/Phone numbers
Dokumentaci tohoto modulu lze vytvořit na stránce Modul:Link utilities/Phone numbers/Dokumentace
-- kopie z německých wikicest (
-- copy from dewikivoyage (
-- International phone number definitions, no i18n
-- see also:
return {
-- documentation
moduleInterface = {
suite = 'Link utilities',
sub = 'Phone numbers',
serial = '2024-06-30',
item = 123727578
-- local calling codes contain no trunk prefix zero or leading zero to keep
zeroExceptions = { ['+34'] = 1, ['+39'] = 1, ['+378'] = 1 },
-- countries using no trunk prefix zero
noZero = {
['+1'] = 1, -- USA, Canada
['+1242'] = 1, -- Bahamas
['+1246'] = 1, -- Barbados
['+1264'] = 1, -- Anguilla
['+1268'] = 1, -- Antigua and Barbuda
['+1284'] = 1, -- Britisch Virgin Islands
['+1340'] = 1, -- American Virgin Islands
['+1345'] = 1, -- Kaiman Islands
['+1441'] = 1, -- Bermuda
['+1473'] = 1, -- Grenada
['+1649'] = 1, -- Turks and Caicos Islands
['+1664'] = 1, -- Montserrat
['+1671'] = 1, -- Guam
['+1684'] = 1, -- American Samoa
['+1721'] = 1, -- Sint Maarten
['+1758'] = 1, -- Saint Lucia
['+1767'] = 1, -- Dominica
['+1784'] = 1, -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
['+1787'] = 1, -- Puerto Rico
['+1809'] = 1, -- Dominican Republic
['+1829'] = 1, -- Dominican Republic
['+1849'] = 1, -- Dominican Republic
['+1868'] = 1, -- Trinidad and Tabago
['+1869'] = 1, -- St. Kitts and Nevis
['+1876'] = 1, -- Jamaica
['+297'] = 1, -- Aruba
['+30'] = 1, -- Greece
['+34'] = 1, -- Spain
['+351'] = 1, -- Portugal
['+352'] = 1, -- Luxembourg
['+356'] = 1, -- Malta
['+371'] = 1, -- Latvia
['+372'] = 1, -- Estonia
['+377'] = 1, -- Monaco
['+378'] = 1, -- San Marino
['+39'] = 1, -- Italy including Vatican City
['+420'] = 1, -- Czech Republic
['+423'] = 1, -- Liechtenstein
['+45'] = 1, -- Denmark
['+47'] = 1, -- Norway
['+48'] = 1, -- Poland
['+500'] = 1, -- Falkland Islands
['+504'] = 1, -- Honduras
['+509'] = 1, -- Haiti
['+599'] = 1, -- Sint Eustatius, etc.
['+5993'] = 1, -- Sint Eustatius
['+5994'] = 1, -- Saba
['+5997'] = 1, -- Bonaire
['+5999'] = 1, -- Curaçao
['+681'] = 1, -- Wallis and Futuna
['+687'] = 1, -- New Caledonia
['+689'] = 1, -- French Polynesia
['+968'] = 1, -- Oman
['+675'] = 1, -- Papua New Guinea
['+977'] = 1 -- Nepal
-- phone-number patterns which are valid local numbers
exceptions = {
service = { 'Servisní číslo', 'Speciální číslo', 'Místní sazba', 'Vnitrozemské číslo', 'Tísňové volání' },
tollfree = { '^800%d*$', '^0508%d*$', '^0800%d*$', '^1[38]00%d*$', '^01800%d*$' },
['+1'] = { '^[2-9]11$', '^988$' },
['+20'] = { '^108$', '^11[25]$', '^12[1-9]$', '^13$', '^14[015]$', '^1[5679]%d%d%d$', '^1717$', '^180$' },
['+31'] = { '^11[23]$' },
['+34'] = { '^112$', '^1006$', '^06[12]$', '^08[0158]$', '^09[12]$' },
['+355'] = { '^112$', '^12[56789]$' },
['+39'] = { '^11[2-8]$', '^116000$', '^1[25]%d%d$', '^19696$' },
['+41'] = { '^11[278]$', '^14[3457]$' },
['+420'] = { '^112$', '^123[09]$', '^1240$', '^15[0568]$' },
['+43'] = { '^112$', '^12[0238]$', '^13[03]$', '^14[01247]$' },
['+45'] = { '^11[24]$' },
['+49'] = { '^11[025]$', '^11611[67]$', '^911$' },
['+504'] = { '^800%d+$' },
['+81'] = { '^10[0468]$', '^11%d$', '^136$', '^17[17]$' },
['+91'] = { '^10[0128]$', '^11[02]$' }